Friday, 29 November 2013

Day 8

Another day closer, and it's all I can think about. Today I was back for more blood work and an ultrasound scan. I lost track of how many follicles they measured, but the biggest two were 17mm. Now I wait for the call. I'm trying to busy myself with work, but I'm tired and uncomfortable. I'm lying on the couch with my laptop, but still… It's lunch time so I could justifiably get up and make something to eat. I feel guilty about how unproductive I've been this week, but I'm just so tired. I sleep really well, and feel great in the morning, it's the afternoons that are the worst. Also, the injections are getting harder not easier. The Puregon is pretty easy still, but the Menopur burns more each time, and the Orgalutran seems harder and harder to get in. 

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