If there is any "pro" to having IVF, it's that you get the fun of symptoms before the embryos are even back in your body. It makes it a bit easier to ignore symptoms and say "it's just the progesterone" - which is the cause of most symptoms. If you can keep telling yourself that, you will maintain your sanity much better during the dreaded wait until you know if it worked or not.
So for my sanity, I'm documenting all my symptoms of this frozen transfer cycle. Medications are estrace (6mg/day until transfer, 4mg after) and prometrium (600mg/day)
Progesterone (before transfer): sleepy, lethargic, unmotivated, depressed, breast swelling, IBS aggravated, insomnia, acne.
day 5: mild cramping (6 hrs after transfer)
day 6: mild burning, fluttering (36 hrs after transfer)
day 9: headache, bloating
day 10: cramps (from increased activity & lifting), bloating
day 11: bloating
day 19: still just bloating and cramps from too much walking
beta drawn: less than 6 (negative).
5-6 weeks: just bloating, extra weight in hips, bum, thighs (despite scale remaining stable), breast swelling, everything else has eased. There is no good reason to be taking the hormones now, this is more of an experiment (in denial). Lasted just over six week mark when spotting began, so that answers that question.
As disappointed as I am in the negative result, part of me is eager to get off the meds, drink some coffee and get back to my usual self (after a month of progesterone-induced and caffeine-lacking drowsiness). I'd rather be pregnant, but there isn't much worse than feeling pregnant for no good reason.
So sorry.